■ 原著論文
2023年度(FY 2023)
- Yoshitomi T, Nishi I, Onuki A, Tsunoda T, Chiba M, Oizumi S, Tanaka R, Muraki S, Oshima N, Uemura H, Tahara M, Sakai S: Development of a standard test method for insecticides in indoor air by GC-MS with solid-phase adsorption/solvent extraction. BPB Reports 2023;6:76-80.
- Chiba M, Oizumi S, Onuki A, Saito I, Tanaka R, Yamanouchi T, Yokoyama Y, Wakayama T, Ohno H, Tahara M, Sakai S: Validation Study for Establishing a Standard Test Method for Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air in Japan using Solvent Extraction.BPB Reports 2024;7:39-43.
- 小林憲弘,土屋裕子,木下輝昭,高木総吉,中嶋京介,広木孝行,平林達也,藤井裕美,栗原正憲,関川慎也,奥村 学,古口健太郎,樋口雄一,大瀧翔吾,代龍之介,古川浩司,松巾宗平,松澤 悠,髙原玲華,五十嵐良明:液体クロマトグラフ質量分析計による水道水中のメチダチオンオキソンの分析法の検討と妥当性評価.水道協会雑誌 2023;92(7):5–17.
- 小林憲弘:水質事故迅速モニタリング手法の開発と普及に関する研究.地球環境 2023;28(2):171–178.
- 小林憲弘,土屋裕子,石井一行,馬場紀幸,林田寛司:パージ・トラップ-ガスクロマトグラフィー質量分析による水道水中の揮発性有機化合物の分析精度に影響を与える要因の解析.環境化学 2024;34:1–8.
- 木下輝昭,小田智子,栗田翔,山崎貴子,猪又明子,佐久井徳広,野原健太,中村 李,土屋裕子,小林憲弘:水道水中農薬のGC/MSスクリーニング分析データベースの構築と定性・定量精度の検証.環境科学会誌 2024;37(2):53–63.
- Nishi I, Yoshitomi T, Nakano F, Uemura H, Tahara M, Kawakami T: Development of safer and improved analytical method for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in creosote products. J Chromatogr A 2023;1698:464007.
- Tahara M, Kawakami T, Ikarashi Y: GC-MS analysis of primary aromatic amines originated from azo dyes in commercial textile or leather products using helium alternative carrier gases. J AOAC Int 2024;107:61-8.
- 大嶋智子, 河上強志: 繊維製品に含まれる防炎加工剤トリス(1-アジリジニル)ホスフィンオキシドのGC-MS分析法. 薬学雑誌 2024;144:119-27.
- 水野彩加,欠田成人,山中恵一,杉山真理子,松永佳世子,田原麻衣子,河上強志:ダーマボンド®アドバンスドの2-オクチルシアノアクリレートによる接触皮膚炎症候群の1例.臨床皮膚科 2024;78:106-11.
- 内山奈穂子,細江潤子,石附京子,新井玲子,杉本直樹,鈴木 梓,浅野龍二,五十嵐 靖,三浦 亨,武藤康弘,末松孝子,小松功典,日向野太郎,古川茶勲,嶋田典基,合田幸広:ブシモノエステルアルカロイドの相対モル感度(RMS)を用いた日本薬局方定量法の検討.薬学雑誌 2023;143(11), 951–962.
- Uchiyama N, Hosoe J, Komatsu T, Sugimoto N, Ishizuki K, Koide T., Murabayashi M, Shinozaki T., Kobayashi K, Fujimine Y, Ofuji K, Shimizu H, Hasebe T, Asai Y, Ena E, Kiyota K, Fujita K, Makino Y, Miura T, Muto Y, Asakura, Suematsu T, Muto H, Kohama, Goto T, Yasuda M, Ueda T, Goda Y: Quantitative 31P-NMR for the purity determination of the organophosphorus compound brigatinib and its method validation. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2024;72(1):36-40.
- Hirasawa Y, Kase A, Okamoto A, Suzuki K, Hiroki M, Kaneda T, Uchiyama N, Morita H: Vincazalidine A, a Unique Bisindole Alkaloid from Catharanthus roseus. J. Nat. Med. 2024;78:382–92.
- Tsuji G., Kurohara T., Shoda T., Yokoo H., Ito T., Masada S., Uchiyama N., Yamamoto E., Demizu Y.: In silico prediction of N-nitrosamine formation pathways of pharmaceutical products. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2024;72(2), 166–172.
2022年度(FY 2022)
- Oshima N, Takagi M, Sakai S, Ikarashi Y: Comparison of helium-alternative carrier gases for gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of standard test methods for indoor air quality guidelines in Japan. BPB Reports 2022;5:84-7.
- Oshima N, Tahara M, Sakai S, Ikarashi Y: A nationwide survey on indoor air concentrations of benzene and naphthalene in general residential housings. Indoor Environment 2022;25:177-184.
- Sakai S, Tahara M, Kubota R, Kawakami T, Inoue K, Ikarashi Y: Characterization of synthetic turf rubber granule infill in Japan: Volatile organic compounds. Sci Total Environ 2022;838:156400.
- Mori Y, Tanaka-Kagawa T, Tahara M, Kawakami T, Aoki A, Okamoto Y, Isobe T, Ohkawara S, Hanioka N, Azuma K, Sakai S, Jinno H: Species differences in activation of TRPA1 by resin additive-related chemicals relevant to indoor air quality. J Toxicol Sci. 2023;48(1):37-45.
- Maeda N, Shimizu S, Takahashi Y, Kubota R, Uomoto S, Takesue K, Takashima K, Okano H, Ojiro R, Ozawa S, Tang Q, Jin M, Ikarashi Y, Yoshida T, Shibutani M: Oral Exposure to Lead Acetate for 28 Days Reduces the Number of Neural Progenitor Cells but Increases the Number and Synaptic Plasticity of Newborn Granule Cells in Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis of Young-Adult Rats. Neurotox Res 2022; Dec;40(6):2203-20.
- Kubota R, Obama T, Kawakami T, Sakai S, Inoue K, Ikarashi Y: Characterization of synthetic turf rubber granule infill in Japan: Total content and migration of metals. Sci Total Environ 2022;842:156705.
- 飯島茂子, 村山佳代, 髙山典子, 秋山卓美, 杉山真理子, 松永佳世子, コカミドプロピルベタイン含有洗浄剤によるアレルギー性接触皮膚炎の1例―洗浄剤に含まれる不純物が原因抗原と考えられた例―. アレルギー 2022;71:1136–42.
- Kobayashi N, Takagi S, Kinoshita T, Sakata O, Nakano F, Watanabe N, Nomura A, Kawai N, Hiraiwa T, Okumura M, Furukawa K, Kasuya T, Iwama N, Yonekubo J, Takahara R, Tanaka S, Tsuchiya Y, Ikarashi Y: Development and validation of an analytical method for simultaneous determination of perfluoroalkyl acids in drinking water by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Water and Environment Technology 2022;20(6):219–37.
- 小林憲弘,土屋裕子,高木総吉,吉田仁,大窪かおり,北原健一,坂本晃子,木下輝昭,仲野富美,橋本博之,古川浩司,粕谷智浩,岩間紀知,平林達也,小嶋隼,林幸範,古口健太郎,五十嵐良明:水道水中農薬のGC/MSターゲットスクリーニング分析のデータ解析における誤差要因の分析.環境化学 2023;33:26–40.
- Kawakami T, Miyajima A, Komoriya K, Kato R, Isama K: Effect of nickel oxide nanoparticle size on cytotoxicity in A549 cells. J Toxicol Sci 2022;47:151-7.
- Yamamoto Y, Fujita M, Watanabe S, Yamaga H, Wakabayashi K, Tahara Y, Horie N, Fujimoto K, Takeuchi K, Kamiya K, Kawakami T, Kojima K, Sozu T, Kojima H, Kasahara T, Ono A: Within- and between-laboratory reproducibility and predictive capacity of amino acid derivative reactivity assay (ADRA) using a 0.5 mg/ml test chemical solution: Results of the study for reproducibility confirmation implemented in five participating laboratories. J Appl Toxicol 2022;42:1078-90.
- Kawakami T, Obama T, Sakai S, Takagi M, Takahashi N, Oshima N, Tahara M, Ikarashi Y: Free formaldehyde in non-medical face masks purchased from Japanese market since the COVID-19 outbreak. J Environ Sci Health Part A 2022;57:193-7.
- Seo T, Miyauchi T, Kawakami T, Ujiie H. Human figure-shaped contact dermatitis due to the illustration on the inner surface of compression sleeves. J Dermatol 2022;49:e241-2.
- Kawakami T, Sakai S, Obama T, Kubota R, Inoue K, Ikarashi Y: Characterization of synthetic turf rubber granule infill in Japan: Rubber additives and related compounds. Sci Total Environ 2022;840:156716.
- Nishi I, Kawakami T, Sakai S, Obama T, Kubota R, Inoue K, Ikarashi Y: Characterization of synthetic turf rubber granule infill in Japan: Polyaromatic hydrocarbons and related compounds. Sci Total Environ 2022;842:156684.
- Kawakami T, Tahara M, Ikarashi Y: A rosin-related compounds (abietic acid derivatives) concentrations in chloroprene rubber products and the amounts eluted into artificial sweat. Dermatitis 2022;33:e47-8.
- Tahara M, Kawakami T, Sakai S, Ikarashi Y: Survey of phthalates, glycols, and several volatile organic compounds in domestic hand-pump spray products and evaluation of their effect on indoor air quality. J Environ Chem 2022;32:84-94.
- Fujimoto K, Higaki T, Abe J, Fujita M, Kawakami T: Confirmation of the theoretical validity of in chemico skin sensitization assay “ADRA” by the analysis of products formed by nucleophilic reagents and chemicals. Chem Res Toxicol 2022;35:2107-21.
- Kawakami T, Obama T, Tahara M, Ikarashi Y: Determination of carcinogenic primary aromatic amines contained as impurity in synthetic organic coloring agents. J AOAC Int 2023;106:49-55.
- Kawakami T, Tahara M, Ikarashi Y: Analysis of isothiazolinone and paraben preservatives in children's toy slime in Japan. Contact dermatitis 2023;88:80-2.
- Sugaya N, Inoue K, Tahara M, Kawakami T: Analysis and risk assessment of vinyl chloride emitted from aerosol products. J Environ Sci Health Part A, 2023;58,284-94.
- Watanabe M, Ohnishi T, Arai S, Kawakami T, Hayashi K, Ohya K, Hirose S, Yoshinari T, Taharaguchi S, Mekata H, Taniguchi T, Ikarashi Y, Honma M, Goda Y, Hara-Kudo Y: Survival of SARS-CoV-2 and Bovine coronavirus on common surfaces of living environments. Scientific Reports, 2022;12,10624.
- 柴田寛子, 野村祐介, 河上強志, 山本栄一, 安藤大介, 内山奈穂子, 徳本廣子, 小出達夫, 迫田秀行, 吉田寛幸, 阿部康弘, 袴塚高志, 五十嵐良明, 蓜島由二, 石井明子, 伊豆津健一, 本間正充, 合田幸広: モデルナ社の新型コロナワクチンに混入した異物に関する調査. 薬学雑誌, 2022;142, 867-874.
2021年度(FY 2021)
- Fujita M, Yamamoto Y, Wanibuchi S,Watanabe S, Yamaga H, Wakabayashi K, Tahara Y, Horie N, Fujimoto K, Takeuchi K, Kamiya K, Kawakami T, Kojima K, Sozu T, Kojima H, Kasahara T, Ono A: Within- and between-laboratory reproducibility and predictive capacity of amino acid derivative reactivity assay (ADRA) using 4 mM test chemical solution: Results of ring-study implementation from five participating laboratories. J Appl Toxicol 2022;42:318-33.
- 大嶋智子,角谷直哉,山口之彦,河上強志: 繊維製品に含まれる防炎加工剤のビス(2,3-ジブロモプロピル)ホスフェイト及びトリス(2,3-ジブロモプロピル)ホスフェイトのGC-MS分析法.薬学雑誌 2022;142:279-87.
- 小林憲弘,高木総吉,木下輝昭,仲野富美,古川浩司,粕谷智浩,松巾宗平,寺中郁夫,山本剛,米久保淳,田中誠也,丹羽宏之,会田祐司,髙原玲華,齊藤香織,五十嵐良明:液体クロマトグラフィー質量分析による水道水中の陰イオン一斉分析法の検討と妥当性評価.水環境学会誌 2022;45(2):51–66.
- 小林憲弘,土屋裕子,五十嵐良明:GC/MSターゲットスクリーニング分析法による水道水中農薬の定量精度の評価.環境科学会誌 2022;35(2):34–48.
- Oshima N, Saito M, Niino M, Hiraishi Y, Ueki K, Okoshi K, Hakamatsuka T, Hada N: Elucidation of chemical interactions between crude drugs using quantitative thin-layer chromatography analysis. Molecules 2022;27:593.
- 田原麻衣子,河上強志,五十嵐良明:イオンクロマトグラフィーを用いた家庭用洗浄剤中の酸およびアルカリのイオン種確認方法に関する検討.国立医薬品食品衛生研究所報告 2021;139:51-58.
- 大嶋直浩,高橋夏子,髙木規峰野,田原麻衣子,酒井信夫,五十嵐良明:国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 殿町新庁舎における室内空気質について(第2報).国立医薬品食品衛生研究所報告 2021;139:59-63.
- Oshima N, Tahara M, Sakai S, Ikarashi Y: Analysis of volatile organic compounds emitted from bedding products. BPB Reports 2021;4:182-92.
- Hayazaki, M, Hatano, O, Shimabayashi, S, Akiyama, T, Takemori, H, Hamamoto A: Zebrafish as a new model for rhododendrol-induced leukoderma. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2021;34(6):1029-1038.
- 小林憲弘,土屋裕子,五十嵐良明:イプロジオンの水中での分解性と検査法の検討.水道協会雑誌 2021;90(11):11–22.
- 西以和貴,上村仁,大嶋智子,菅谷なえ子,印南佳織,田畑佳世,河上強志: 有害物質を含有する家庭用品の規制に関する法律(有害物質含有家庭用品規制法)における繊維製品中防虫加工剤試験法改定に係る検討.薬学雑誌 2021;141:1031-40.
- Suzuki K, Futamura K, Kawakami T, Numata M, Sasaki K, Matsunaga K, Yagami A: Contact dermatitis caused by a disposable paper napkin containing colophony. Contact Dermatitis 2021;85:377-9.
- Miyajima A, Kawakami T, Komoriya K, Kato R, Usami M, Isama K: Potency shift in immunomodulatory activities of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles in THP-1 cells is associated with cytotoxicity. Fundam Toxicol Sci 2021; 8: 205-13.
- Kawakami T, Tahara M, Ikarashi Y: Presence of Solvent Orange 60 and Solvent Red 179 in Eyeglass Frames and Temple Tips in Japan. Dermatitis 2021;32:e138-40.
- Kawakami T, Tahara M, Ikarashi Y: Analysis of isothiazolinone preservatives in household deodorizers and air fresheners through solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. J Liq Chromatogr Relat Technol 2021;44:564-9.
- Yamashita R, Takahashi Y, Takashima K, Okano H, Ojiro R, Tang Q, Kikuchi S, Kobayashi M, Ogawa B, Jin M, Kubota R, Ikarashi Y, Yoshida T, Shibutani M: Induction of cellular senescence as a late effect and BDNF-TrkB signaling-mediated ameliorating effect on disruption of hippocampal neurogenesis after developmental exposure to lead acetate in rats. Toxicology 2021;456:152782.
- 宮崎玉樹,阿部康弘,伊豆津健一,佐藤恭子,五十嵐良明:令和元年度「日本薬局方の試験等に関する研究」研究報告 医薬品添加物の機能性関連特性に関する諸外国薬局方の動向.医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス2021;52:583-93.
- Kojima H, Nakada T, Yagami A, Todo H, Nishimura J, Yagi M, Sugiyama M, Yamamoto K, Ikarashi Y, Sakaguchi H, Yamaguchi M, Hirota M, Ikeda H, Imai N, Hatao M: A Step-by-Step approach for assessing human skin irritation without animal testing for quasi-drugs and cosmetic products. Appl In Vitro Toxicol 2021;7:144-54.
- Abe Y, Kobayashi N, Yamaguchi M, Mutsuga M, Ozaki A, Kishi E, Sato K: Determination of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde levels in poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) bottled mineral water using a simple and rapid analytical method. Food Chemistry 2021;344:128708.
2020年度(FY 2020)
- Azuma K, Jinno H, Tanaka-Kagawa T, Sakai S: Risk assessment concepts and approaches for indoor air chemicals in Japan. International journal of hygiene and environmental health 2020;225:113470.
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Ikarashi Y: Chromium and cobalt concentrations in textile products and the amounts eluted into artificial sweat. J Environ Chem, 2020;30:23-8.
- 花谷祐未,村山直也,竹中基,室田浩之,田原麻衣子,河上強志,鈴木加余子:リストバンドによるアレルギー性接触皮膚炎.皮膚病診療,2020;42:34-7.
- Katsumi E, Oshima N, Kagawa N, Ohara H , Hada N: Changes in the extracted amounts and seasonally variable constituents of Diospyros kaki at different growth stage. J Nat Med 2021;75:105-15.
- 久保田領志, 秋山卓美, 五十嵐良明:マイクロ波分解-誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法による化粧品中の微量金属不純物分析法の検討.日本香粧品学会誌 2020;44(4): 289-94.
- 小林憲弘,土屋裕子,五十嵐良明:塩素処理による水道水中プロチオホスの分解とプロチオホスオキソンの生成挙動.水道協会雑誌,2020;89(9):2-11.
- 小林憲弘,土屋裕子,高木総吉,五十嵐良明:水道水中農薬のGC/MSスクリーニング分析法の開発と実試料への適用.環境科学会誌,2020;33:136-57.
- Sugaya N, Takahashi M, Sakurai K, Tahara M, Kawakami T: Headspace GC/MS analysis of residual solvents in dietary supplements, cosmetics, and household products using ethyl lactate as a dissolution medium. J AOAC Int 2020;103:407-12.
- Omura R, Sowa-Osako J, Okazaki A, Tateishi C, Fukai K, Kawakami T, Tahara M, Tsuruta D: A case of allergic contact dermatitis owing to abietic acid derivative in an over-the-counter hydrocolloid dressing. Contact Dermatitis 2020;82:309-10.
- Akimoto M, Yamamoto Y, Watanabe S, Yamaga H, Yoshida K,Wakabayashi K, Tahara Y, Horie N, Fujimoto K, Kusakari K, Kamiya K, Kojima K, Kawakami T, Kojima H, Ono A, Kasahara T, Fujita M: The effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on the oxidation of cysteine-derivative nucleophilic reagent when using acetonitrile containing DMSO as an solvent in the Amino acid Derivative Reactivity Assay (ADRA). J Appl Toxicol. 2020;40:843-54.
- 西以和貴,佐藤学,中野富美,辻清美,上村仁,河上強志:繊維製品中のディルドリン及びDTTB分析法の開発.薬学雑誌,2020;140:809-18.
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Jinno H: Skin transferability of phthalic acid ester plasticizers and other plasticizers to skin using model PVC sheets. J Environ Sci Health Part A, 2020;55:1163-72.
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Ikarashi Y, Jinno H: Evaluation of the sensitization potential of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using the direct peptide reactivity assay (DPRA). J Toxicol Sci 2020;45:725-35.
- 河上強志,菅谷なえ子,田原麻衣子,大嶋智子,西以和貴,上村仁,塩田寛子,鈴木郁雄,田畑佳世,五十嵐良明:有害物質を含有する家庭用品の規制に関する法律(有害物質含有家庭用品規制法)におけるメタノール,トリクロロエチレン及びテトラクロロエチレン試験法改定に係る検討.薬学雑誌,2020;140(12):1485-94.
- 岩渕千雅子,栗田昴幸,日野治子,関東裕美,岩本正照,河上強志,田原麻衣子,松永佳世子:FreeStyleRリブレによるアレルギー性接触皮膚炎.日皮会誌,2020;130(12):2557-65.
- 西以和貴,上村仁,河上強志:ヘリウムガス不足に対応した繊維製品中防虫加工剤の分析法.神奈川衛研報,2020;50:15-20.
2019年度(FY 2019)
- 小林憲弘,宮本紫織,佐藤学,木下輝昭,高木総吉,岩間紀知,粕谷智浩,古川浩司,堀池秀樹,齊藤香織,京野完,髙原玲華,五十嵐良明:液体クロマトグラフィータンデム質量分析による水道水中の140農薬の一斉分析法の妥当性評価.水環境学会誌,2019;42:247-58.
- Fujita M, Yamamoto Y, Watanabe S, Sugawara T, Wakabayashi K, Tahara Y, Horie N, Fujimoto K, Kusakari K, Kurokawa Y, Kawakami T, Kojima K, Sozu T, Nakayama T, Kusao T, Richimond J, Kleinstreuer N, Kim B.H, Kojima H, Kasahara T, Ono A: The within- and between-laboratory reproducibility and predictive capacity of the in chemico Amino acid Derivative Reactivity Assay (ADRA): Results of validation study implemented in four participating laboratories. J Appl Toxicol, 2019;39:1492-505.
- Tanaka-Kagawa T, Saito I, Onuki A, Tahara M, Kawakami T, Sakai S, Ikarashi Y, Oizumi S, Chiba M, Uemura H, Miura N, Kawamura I, Hanioka N, Jinno H: Method validation for the determination of phthalates in indoor air by GC-MS with solid-phase adsorption/solvent extraction using octadecyl silica filter and styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer cartridge. BPB Reports, 2019;2:86-90.
- Miyazaki A, Watanabe S, Ogata K, Nagatomi Y, Kokutani R, Minegishi Y, Tamehiro N, Sakai S, Adachi R, Hirao T: Real-time PCR Detection Methods for Food Allergens (Wheat, Buckwheat, and Peanuts) Using Reference Plasmids. J Agric Food Chem. 2019;67:5680-86.
2018年度(FY 2018)
- Fujita M, Yamamoto Y, Watanabe S, Sugawara T, Wakabayashi K, Tahara Y, Horie N, Fujimoto K, Kusakari K, Kurokawa Y, Kawakami T, Kojima K, Kojima H, Ono A, Katsuoka Y, Tanabe H, Yokoyama H, Kasahara T: Cause of and countermeasures for oxidation of the cysteine‐derived reagent used in the amino acid derivative reactivity assay. J Appl Toxicol, 2019;39:191-208.
- 小林憲弘,土屋裕子,堀池秀樹,増田潤一,五十嵐良明:液体クロマトグラフィータンデム質量分析による水道水中の141農薬の一斉分析法の開発.水環境学会誌,2019;42:13-25.
- 酒井信夫,田原麻衣子,髙木規峰野,吉野由美子,遠山友紀,五十嵐良明:国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 殿町新庁舎における室内空気質について.国立医薬品食品衛生研究所報告,2018;136:40-51.
- Morishita Y, Nomura Y, Fukui C, Fujisawa A, Watanabe K, Fujimaki H, Kumada H, Inoue K, Morikawa T, Takahashi T, Kawakami T, Sakoda H, Mukai T, Yuba T, Inamura K, Tanoue A, Miyazaki K, Chung U, Ogawa K, Yoshida M, Haishima Y: Alternative plasticizer, 4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid dinonyl ester, for blood containers with protective effects on red blood cells and improved cold resistance. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 2018;106:1052-63.
- Nomura Y, Lee M, Hasegawa C, Morishita Y, Kawakami T, Yuba T, Watanabe K, Fujimaki H, Inoue K, Yoshida M, Ogawa K, Haishima Y: Performance evaluation of a positive reference material for in vivo and in vitro irritation testing. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 2018;106:2807-14.
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Ikarashi Y: Determination of benzotriazole UV absorbers in textile products made of polyurethane fibers by high-performance liquid chromatography with a photo diode array detector. J Liq Chromatogr Relat Technol, 2018;41:831-8.
- 田原麻衣子,杉本直樹,香川(田中)聡子,酒井信夫,五十嵐良明,神野透人:ホルムアルデヒドおよびアセトアルデヒドの定量分析におけるqNMRを用いたトレーサビリティの確保.YAKUGAKU ZASSHI, 2018;138(4):551-7.
- Koizumi D, Shirota K, Oda H, Adachi R, Sakai, S, Akiyama H, Nishimaki-Mogami T, Teshima R: Development and Evaluation of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Using a Nonpoisonous Extraction System for the Determination of Crustacean Protein in Processed Foods. J AOAC Int. 2018;101(3):798-804.
- Tamehiro N, Adachi R, Kimura Y, Sakai S, Teshima R, Kondo K: Determining Food Allergens by Skin Sensitization in Mice. Curr Protoc Toxicol. 2018;76:e48.
2017年度(FY 2017)
- Tranquet O, Brossard C, Pineau F, Lupi R, Matsunaga K, Teshima R, Sakai S, Gaudin JC, Larre C, Denery S: Intensity of deamidation in the epitopes of acid hydrolyzed wheat proteins is a key parameter for their allergenicity. Clinical and Translational Allergy, 2018;8:15.
- Tranquet O, Pineau F, Lupi R, Sakai S, Matsunaga K, Teshima R, Larre C, Denery S: Relationship between deamidation intensity and allergenicity of acid hydrolysed wheat proteins preparations: from France to Japan. Clinical and Translational Allergy. 2017;7:18.
- 神野透人,田原麻衣子,酒井信夫,香川(田中)聡子:実態調査に基づく室内濃度指針値の改定.環境技術,2017;46:356-60.
- Kobayashi N, Izumi H, Morimoto Y: Review of toxicity studies of carbon nanotubes. Journal of Occupational Health, 2017;59:394-407.
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Kagawa-Tanaka T, Jinno H: Analysis of glycols, glycol ethers, and other volatile organic compounds present in household water-based hand pump sprays. J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng 2017;52:1204-10.
- 小林憲弘,小坂浩司, 浅見真理,中川慎也,木下輝昭,高木総吉,中島孝江,古川浩司,中村弘揮,工藤清惣,粕谷智浩,土屋かおり,寺中郁夫,若月紀代子,加登優樹,小関栄一郎,井上智,村上真一,金田智,関桂子,北本靖子,堀池秀樹,米久保淳,清水尚登,髙原玲華,齊藤香織,五十嵐良明:液体クロマトグラフィータンデム質量分析による水道水中の臭素酸分析条件の検討と妥当性評価.水環境学会誌,2017;40:223-33.
- Tranquet O, Gaudin JC, Patil S, Steinbrecher J, Matsunaga K, Teshima R, Sakai S, Larre C,Denery-Papini S: A chimeric IgE that mimics IgE from patients allergic to acid-hydrolyzed wheat proteins is a novel tool for in vitro allergenicity assessment of functionalized glutens. PLOS ONE, 2017;12:e0187415.
- Miyazaki H, Yamashita K, Uchino T, Takezawa T,Kojima H : Development of a novel in vitro skin sensitization test method using a collagen vitrigel membrane chamber. AATEX, 2017;22:141-154.
- Irie T, Kawakami T, Sato K, Usami M: Sub-toxic concentrations of nano-ZnO and nano-TiO2 suppress neurite outgrowth in differentiated PC12 cells. J Toxicol Sci, 2017; 42: 723-9.
- 竹原友貴,庄田裕紀子,河上強志:医療用弾性ストッキングに含まれる2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one(OIT)による接触皮膚炎の1例.J Environ Dermatol Cutan Allergol, 2017;11:326-32.
- Morishita Y, Nomura Y, Fukui C, Kawakami T, Ikeda T, Mukai T, Yuba T, Inamura K, Yamaoka H, Miyazaki K, Okazaki H, Haishima Y: Pilot study on novel blood containers with alternative plasticizers for red cell concentrate storage. PLOS ONE, 2017;12:e0185737.
- 味村真弓,中島晴信,河上強志,伊佐間和郎:繊維製品に含まれるトリス(1-アジリジニル)ホスフィンオキシド(略称:APO)の分析法の改定に向けた検討.大安研年報,2017;1:93-100.
2016年度 (FY 2016)
- 菅谷なえ子,佐藤芳樹,高橋美津子,桜井克己,河上強志: 繊維製品に含まれるアゾ色素由来の特定芳香族アミンの分析及びその原因色素の探索. 薬学雑誌,137, 95-109 (2017).
- 松岡厚子,児玉幸夫,吉田緑,伊佐間和郎,中嶋富士雄,井上薫,河上強志,松田良枝,五十嵐良明:シリカ、銀及び酸化亜鉛のナノ分散液のin vitro及びin vivo毒性学的評価.国立医薬品食品衛生研究所報告.134, 33-41 (2016).
- 清水久美子,秋山卓美,伊佐間和郎,河上強志,五十嵐良明:グアニジン系加硫促進剤の感作性評価と家庭用ゴム製品の実態調査.国立医薬品食品衛生研究所報告,134, 42-49 (2016).
- 小林憲弘,鈴木俊也,小杉有希,菱木麻佑,加登優樹,金田智,植田紘行,河相暢幸,北本靖子,土屋かおり,木村慎一,古川浩司,岩間紀知,中村弘揮,粕谷智浩,堀池秀樹,京野完,髙原玲華,馬場紀幸,佐藤信武,久保田領志,五十嵐良明:液体クロマトグラフィーによる水道水中のホルムアルデヒドおよびアセトアルデヒド同時分析法の開発と妥当性評価.水環境学会誌,39(6), 211-224 (2016).
- 小林憲弘,久保田領志,水田裕進,木村慎一,木村謙治,宮﨑悦子,植田紘行,齋藤信裕,加登優樹,古川浩司,粕谷智浩,岩間紀知,髙原玲華,林田寛司,塚本多矩,五十嵐良明:水道水中のカルタップ・ピラクロニル・フェリムゾンLC/MS/MS一斉分析法の開発と妥当性評価.水道協会雑誌,85(10), 7-21 (2016).
- Matsumoto M, Todo H, Akiyama T, Hirata-Koizumi M, Sugibayashi K, Ikarashi Y, Ono A, Hirose A Yokoyama K: Risk assessment of skin lightening cosmetics containing hydroquinone. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 81, 128-135 (2016).
- Uchino T, Kuroda Y, Ishida S, Yamashita K, Miyazaki H, Oshikata A, Shimizu K, Kojima H, Takezawa T, Akiyama T, Ikarashi Y: Increase of β2-integrin on adhesion of THP-1 cells to collagen vitrigel membrane. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 80 (11), 2271-2276 (2016).
- 小林憲弘,木下輝昭,鈴木俊也,高木総吉,吉田仁,望月映希,小林浩,辻清美,上村仁,植田紘行,齋藤信裕,岩間紀知,粕谷智浩,古川浩司,塚本多矩,市川千種,久保田領志,五十嵐良明:水道水中のグルホシネート・グリホサート・AMPAのLC/MS/MS一斉分析法の妥当性評価.環境科学会誌, 29(3), 147-58 (2016).
- Shinohara N, Nakazato T, Ohkawa K, Tamura M, Kobayashi N, Morimoto Y, Oyabu T, Myojo T, Shimada M, Yamamoto K, Tao H, Ema M, Naya M, Nakanishi J: Long-term retention of pristine multi-walled carbon nanotubes in rat lungs after intratracheal instillation. J Appl Toxicol, 36, 501-509 (2016).
2015年度 (FY 2015)
- 久保田領志, 小林憲弘, 五十嵐良明:水道水質検査精度管理のための統一試料調査に関する経年分析(平成17~22年度):有機物.水道協会雑誌, 85(2), 9-15 (2016).
- 小林憲弘,久保田領志,齋藤信裕,木村謙治,宮﨑悦子,平林達也,水田裕進,木村慎一,宮本紫織,大倉敏裕,中村弘揮,粕谷智浩,古川浩司,塚本多矩,市川千種,髙原玲華,林田寛司,京野完,佐久井徳広,山本五秋,齊藤香織,五十嵐良明:水道水中のイミノクタジン・ジクワット・パラコートLC/MS/MS一斉分析法の妥当性評価.環境科学会誌,29 (1), 3-6 (2016).
- 久保田領志,小林憲弘,五十嵐良明:水道水質検査精度管理のための統一試料調査に関する経年分析(平成17~22年度):無機物.水道協会雑誌, 84(12), 15-22 (2015).
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Ikarashi Y: Survey of isothiazolinones and other preservatives in household wet tissue products in Japan. Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 25, 207-215 (2015).
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Ikarashi Y: Particle size distribution of aerosols sprayed from household hand-pump sprays containing fluorine-based and silicone-based compounds. Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences, 133, 37-41 (2015).
- Matsunaga K, Kuroda Y, Sakai S, Adachi R, Teshima R, Yagami A, Itagaki H: Anaphylactic augmentation by epicutaneous sensitization to acid-hydrolyzed wheat protein in a guinea pig model. The Journal of Toxicological Science, 40, 745-752 (2015).
- Nakanishi J, Morimoto Y, Ogura I, Kobayashi N, Naya M, Ema M, Endoh S, Shimada M, Ogami A, Myojyo T, Oyabu T, Gamo M, Kishimoto A, Igarashi T, Hanai S: Risk Assessment of the Carbon Nanotube Group. Risk Analysis, 35(10), 1940-1956.
- 久保田領志,小林憲弘,齋藤信裕,鈴木俊也,小杉有希,田中美奈子,塚本多矩,平林達也,五十嵐良明:固相抽出-液体クロマトグラフ-質量分析計による水道水中フェノール類の検査法の開発とその妥当性評価.水道協会雑誌, 84(7), 2-15 (2015).
- Nishi I, Kawakami T, Onodera S: Monitoring the concentrations of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclooxygenase-inhibiting activities in the surface waters of the Tone Canal and Edo River Basin. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A, 50, 1108-1115 (2015).
- Kikuchihara Y, Abe H, Tanaka T, Kato M, Wang L, Ikarashi Y, Yoshida T, Shibutani M: Relationship between brain accmulation of manganese and aberration of hippocampal adult neurogenesis after oral exposure to manganese chloride in mice. Toxicology, 331, 24-34 (2015).
- Simazaki D, Kubota R, Suzuki T, Akiba M, Nishimura T, Kunikane S: Occurrence of selected pharmaceuticals at drinking water purification plants in Japan and implications for human health. Water Researh, 76, 187-200 (2015).
2014年度 (FY 2014)
- 小林憲弘,久保田領志,佐々木俊哉,五十嵐良明:水道水中のイミノクタジン・ジクワット・パラコートのLC/MS/MS一斉分析法の開発.環境科学会誌,28(2), 117-125 (2015).
- 久保田領志,小林憲弘,五十嵐良明:固相抽出-液体クロマトグラフ-質量分析計によるハロアセトアミド類の分析法の開発及び水道水中の存在実態.環境科学会誌,28(2), 143-152 (2015).
- Hashiguchi S, Yoshida H, Akashi T, Komemoto K, Ueda T, Ikarashi Y, Miyauchi A, Konno K, Yamanaka S, Hirose A, Kurokawa M, Watanabe W: Titanium dioxide nanoparticles exacerbate pneumonia in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-infected mice. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 39, 879-886 (2015).
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Ikarashi Y: Analysis of 19 preservatives in polyvinyl alcohol cooling towels used in Japan by high performance liquid chromatography with photo diode array detector. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 2:122 (2015).
- 河上強志,伊佐間和郎,五十嵐良明:繊維および革製品中のアゾ染料由来の特定芳香族アミン類の高速液体クロマトグラフィーを用いた確認試験に関する検討. 国立医薬品食品衛生研究所報告,132, 57-66 (2014).
- 小林憲弘,久保田領志,木村謙治,金田智,茶木哲,天満一倫,田中美奈子,三枝慎一郎,小林利男,舟洞健二,齋藤信裕,杉本智美,古谷智仁,小嶋和博,平林達也,五十嵐良明:水道水中11農薬を対象とした固相抽出-GC/MS一斉分析法の妥当性評価.水道協会雑誌,83(9),11-22 (2014).
- Akiyama T, Yamazaki T, Tada A, Ito Y, Otsuki N, Akiyama H: Classification of microbial α-amylases for food manufacturing using proteinase digestion. Food Sci. Nutr., 2, 571-577 (2014).
- 田原麻衣子,杉本直樹,大槻崇,多田敦子,穐山浩,合田幸広,五十嵐良明:定量NMRによる多環芳香族炭化水素市販試薬の純度決定.環境科学会誌,27, 142-50 (2014).
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Ikarashi Y: Analysis of isothiazolinone preservatives in polyvinyl alcohol cooling towels used in Japan. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A, 49, 1209-17 (2014).
- 小林憲弘,久保田領志,高玲華,安藤正典,五十嵐良明:液体クロマトグラフィータンデム質量分析(LC/MS/MS)による水道水中農薬類の一斉分析法の妥当性評価.水道協会雑誌,83(4),3-14 (2014).
2013年度 (FY 2013)
- 田原麻衣子,杉本直樹,小林憲弘,穐山浩,五十嵐良明:追加農薬の標準品の供給調査および定量核磁気共鳴法を用いた純度測定.水道協会雑誌,83(3),9-16 (2014).
- 味村真弓,中島晴信,吉田仁,吉田俊明,河上強志,伊佐間和郎:有害物質含有家庭用品規制法で規制されている繊維製品中のトリス(2,3-ジブロムプロピル)ホスフェイト分析法の改定に向けた検討.薬学雑誌,134, 259-268 (2014).
- Kitamura K, Maruyama K, Hamano S, Kishi T, Kawakami T, Takahashi Y, Onodera S: Effect of hypochlorite oxidation on cholinesterase-inhibition assay of acetonitrile extracts from fruits and vegetables for monitoring traces of organophosphate pesticides. Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 39, 71-81 (2014).
- 小林憲弘,久保田領志,田原麻衣子,杉本直樹,塚本多矩,五十嵐良明:水道水中の農薬類のLC/MS/MS一斉分析法の開発.環境科学会誌,27(1), 3-19 (2014).
- Shimizu K, Sano T, Kubota R, Kobayashi N, Tahara M, Obama T, Sugimoto N, Nishimura T, Ikarashi Y: Effects of the Amino Acid Constituents of Microcystin Variants on Cytotoxicity to Primary Cultured Rat Hepatocytes. Toxins, 6, 168-179 (2014).
- Akiyama T, Sekiguchi W, Sugimoto N, Tada A, Ito Y, Yamazaki T, Akiyama H: Revised method for analyzing 2-acetyl-4-tetrahydroxybutylimidazole in caramel III. Japanese Journal of Food Chemistry and Safety, 20, 190-195 (2013).
- 河上強志,伊佐間和郎,五十嵐良明:EUにおける繊維および革製品中のアゾ染料由来の特定芳香族アミン類の違反事例の特徴.国立医薬品食品衛生研究所報告,131, 66-74 (2013).
- Iwasawa K, Tanaka G, Aoyama T, Chowdhury MM, Komori K, Tanaka-Kagawa T, Jinno H, Sakai Y: Prediction of phthalate permeation through pulmonary alveoli using a cultured A549 cell-based in vitro alveolus model and a numerical simulation. AATEX, 18, 19-31(2013).
- Tahara M, Obama T, Ikarashi Y:Development of analytical method for determination of 1,4-dioxane in cleansing products. International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 35, 575-580 (2013).
- 久保田領志, 小林憲弘, 田原麻衣子, 今村悠佑, 木村謙治, 小林利男, 齋藤信裕, 杉本智美, 林広宣, 古谷智仁, 舟洞健二, 三枝慎一郎, 山田義隆, 杉本直樹, 西村哲治, 五十嵐良明:固相抽出-誘導体化GC/MS 法を用いたEDTA検査法の妥当性評価.水道協会雑誌,82(8), 2-11(2013).
- 小林憲弘,久保田領志,田原麻衣子,杉本直樹,木村謙治,林広宣,山田義隆,小林利男,舟洞健二,三枝慎一郎,古谷智仁,杉本智美,五十嵐良明:固相抽出-GC/MSによる水道水中の未規制農薬の一斉分析法の妥当性評価.水道協会雑誌,82(7),2-12 (2013).
- Shimizu K, Kubota R, Kobayashi N, Tahara M, Sugimoto N, Nishimura T, Ikarashi Y: Cytotoxic effects of hydroxylated fullerenes in three types of liver cells. Materials, 6, 2713-2722 (2013).
2012年度 (FY 2012)
- Morimoto Y, Horie M, Kobayashi N, Shinohara N, Shimada M: Inhalation toxicity assessment of carbon-based nanoparticles. Accounts of Chemical Research, 46, 770-781 (2013).
- Miyake Y, Mayumi K, Jinno H, Tanaka-Kagawa T, Narimatsu S, Hanioka N: cDNA cloning and functional analysis of minipig uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 36, 452-61(2013).
- Kokawa Y Kishi N Jinno H, Tanaka-Kagawa T, Narimatsu S Hanioka N: Effect of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8 polymorphism on raloxifene glucuronidation. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 49, 199-205(2013).
- Akiyama T, Sekiguchi W, Yamazaki T, Akiyama H: Assessment of three methods for the identification of enzymatically hydrolyzed guar gum. Food Hygiene and Safety Science, 54, 71-74 (2013).
- 久保田領志, 田原麻衣子,小林憲弘,清水久美子,阿部晃文,中町眞美,灘重樹,服部晋也,丸岡強,杉本直樹,西村哲治:固相抽出-誘導体化GC/MS 法を用いたEDTA の分析法の開発および水道原水・浄水・給水栓水中の存在実態.水道協会雑誌,82(2),2-9 (2013).
- 大嶋智子,河上強志,山野哲夫,尾崎麻子,清水充,伊佐間和郎:有害物質含有家庭用品規制法のトリフェニル錫(TPT)およびトリブチル錫(TBT)分析法改定過程において観察されたTPTの分解について.大阪市立環境科学研究所報告,74,17-22 (2012).
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Nishimura T: Survey of primary aromatic amines originating from azo dyes in commercial textile products in direct contact with skin and in commercial leather products in Japan. Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 22, 197-204 (2012).
- Kawakami T, Isama K, Nishimura T: Analysis of isothiazolinones and other preservatives in gel-products used for cooling in Japan. Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 22, 205-211 (2012).
- Hanioka N, Takahara Y, Takahara Y, Tanaka-Kagawa T, Jinno H, Narimatsu S: Hydrolysis of di-n-butyl phthalate, butylbenzyl phthalate and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in human liver microsomes. Chemosphere, 89(9), 1112-1117 (2012).
- Ohishi T, Wang L, Akane H, Shiraki A, Goto K, Ikarashi Y, Suzuki K, Mitsumori K, Shibutani M: Reversible aberration of neurogenesis affecting late-stage differentiation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of rat offspring after maternal exposure to manganese chloride. Reproductive Toxicology, 34(3), 408-419 (2012).
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