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Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare


Last updated date: March 30, 2015


 Advisory Committee





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Advisory Committee on Health Effects of Endocrine Disruptors
The Supplement II to the Intermediary Report


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5 Onset of adverse effects in the living body
Analysis of exposure in the living body should take the mechanisms of action in the living human body into account. (1) Existence of the receptor of the substance in question, (2) existence of hormone-like activities, and (3) mechanisms of metabolism and detoxification should be considered.

(1) Existence of receptors
As receptors corresponding to endocrine disruptors, receptors similar to those corresponding to endogenous estrogens in cells derived from human adrenal cortex (H295R cells) and human mammary gland cells (T47D). Further studies on human endometerium cells (HHUA) and cells derived from the human mammary gland (MCF-7) demonstrated binding of endocrine disruptors with estrogen receptors α and β. In addition, search for unknown orphan receptors revealed that receptors related to retinoic acid are also involved.

(2) Existence of hormone-like activities
Pesticides (p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDD and dicofol), flavonoids (6-hydroxyflavone, apigenin, daidzein, genistein, biochanin A and formononetin), and organotin compounds (bis(tributyltin) oxide (TBTO), tributyltin chloride (TBT), diphenyltin dichloride (DBT) and triphenyltin chloride (TPT)) were found to inhibit cortisol production of human adrenal cortex cells, and to stimulate multiplication of mammary gland and endometerium cells. Furthermore, it was found that tributyltin probably influences the induction of oral immunologic tolerance of mice, benzo[a]pyrene affects the differentiation process of trophoblastic stem cell strain (TS cells) of rats, and phthalic acid esters possibly have widespread influences on gene expression by modifying methylation state of the genome DNA.
Which effects develop (or not) within the range of body burden of these substances is now under study.

(3) Metabolic and detoxification mechanisms in humans
There is still much room for study on metabolism and detoxification mechanisms.
Most of BPA in rats was found to be conjugated with glucuronic acid in the digestive tract and the liver, while probably not metabolized in the kidney and simply filtrated and excreted. Discovery of β-glucuronidase, which recovers the original BPA molecule by decomposing the glucuronic acid conjugate, was a further step to understanding reactions in humans.

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