



  •in silicoを活用した生理活性物質等の設計と合成

The first section conducts organic chemical analyses on the synthesis, structure, and composition of chemicals relevant to daily applications and the associated research. In particular, we conduct research on the design and synthesis of compounds with physiological activity and on the quality evaluation of pharmaceuticals.
  •Design and synthesis of bioactive substances using in silico technology
  •Development of novel fluorescent reagents for glycol proteins
  •Research on continuous manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients
  •Research on the Harmonization of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia


  •ペプチド薬物複合体(Peptide Drug Conjugate, PDC)の合成,構造,品質,生理活性評価に関する研究

The second sections conducts organic chemical analyses on the synthesis, structure, and composition of chemicals relevant to daily applications and the associated research. Specifically, investigations are carried out to facilitate the efficient development of medium-sized peptide drugs, involving the following:
  •Research on the structural characterization of medium-sized peptides containing non-natural amino acids.
  •Research on the medium-sized peptides as inhibitors of protein-protein interactions (Protein-Protein Interactions, PPI).
  •Research on the medium-sized peptides as drug delivery system (DDS) carriers.
  •Research on the synthesis, structure, quality, and bioactivity evaluation of peptide drug conjugates (PDC).





Research to Ensure the Quality and Safety of Radiopharmaceuticals

Radiopharmaceuticals are drugs that contain radioactive isotopes. The radiation from radiopharmaceuticals can be used both to treat disease and to locate and image disease in the body. Combining radiopharmaceuticals used for therapy and diagnostic imaging, a technique known as theranostics, will enable more precise targeting and treatment of disease. While radiopharmaceuticals have the potential to provide excellent therapeutic effects, they may also cause harmful side effects. As a result, accurate assessment of their quality and safety is vital. The third section is conducting research to ensure the quality and safety of radiopharmaceuticals, including the evaluation of impurities in the manufacturing process.


  • 高度化・国際化に対応した日局データベースに関する研究
  • 医薬品の品質確保のための日本薬局方改正に向けた試験法等開発
  • 医薬品不純物の生成,残存,低減に関する研究
  • 危険ドラッグ等の乱用薬物に関する分析情報の収集及び危害影響予測のための研究
  • 化学合成による既存添加物の定量用標品の供給に関する研究
  • 革新的医薬品等開発のための次世代安全性評価法の開発・標準化と基盤データ取得
  • タンパク質分解医薬品の開発に資する有機化学的研究
  • 容器包装等のポジティブリスト制度化に係る化学物質の毒性情報調査