The division engaged in research and testing works for ensuring quality, efficacy and safety of herbal medicines and herbal medicine products, studies on herbal medicine resources, structures and biological activities of natural products, and research and testing works on narcotics, stimulants, and illegal drug substances. The division performs further regulatory scientific works on those natural products and help formulation of the official specifications such as the Japanese Pharmacopoeia for herbal medicines and pharmaceuticals derived from natural products. Studies on boundaries for foods and drugs, contribution to the consultation for international harmonization of standards for herbal medicines and herbal products, and maintain and run a shared analytical equipment in MHLW are other division’s assignments.

Standardization and international harmonization of herbal medicines

Comprehensive component analysis of herbal medicines (crude drugs and Kampo medicine)

Narcotics, cannabis, new psychoactive substances and other illegal products

Visualization of internal morphology of crude drugs using X-ray computed tomography (XCT)

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