Seafood Network Information CenterからのHACCP関連情報

  • Seafood HACCP Alliance主催のHACCPコースのスライド
    HACCP Course PowerPoint Slides
    これらのスライドはNational Seafood HACCP Alliance for Training and Educationの作成した"HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Training Curriculum," 4th edition November 2001に準拠して作成されたものである。次の各章毎にスライドが入手できる。

      Chapter 1 - Introduction to Course and HACCP
      Chapter 2 - Hazards - Biological, Chemical and Physical*
      Chapter 3 - Prerequisite Programs and Preliminary Steps
      Chapter 4 - Commercial Processing Example: IQF Cooked Shrimp
      Chapter 5 - Principle 1: Hazard Analysis
      Chapter 6 - Principle 2: Determine the Critical Control Points
      Chapter 7 - Principle 3: Establish Critical Limits
      Chapter 8 - Principle 4: Critical Control Point Monitoring
      Chapter 9 - Principle 5: Corrective Actions
      Chapter 10 - Principle 6: Verification Procedures
      Chapter 11 - Principle 7: Record-Keeping Procedures
      Chapter 12 - The Seafood HACCP Regulation
      Chapter 13 - Sources of Information on Preparing HACCP Plans

      Appendix I - FDA's Seafood HACCP Rule
      Appendix III - Hazards Found in Seafood*
      Appendix V - Models
      *Additional slides for combining Chapters 2 and Appendix III
      Note: each chapter contains one extra formatted overhead for trainers

  • HACCPコースのマニュアル
    Seafood HACCP Alliance HACCP Training Curriculum Manual (Blue Book)
    各チャプター(上記リスト参照)がpdf fileでDL可能。