Revision Log of gpt and Spi- Assay Protocol

gpt ver4.0en :
Same as ver4.01ja.  After in vitro packaging reactions, each packaged phage sample is adjusted to the final volume of 300 ul with SM buffer.  For the titration, 2 plates/sample are used (Dilution Factor = 3000).  For the 6TG selection, 5 plates/sample are used (300 ul = 60 ul x 5 plates).

gpt ver3.7en :
page2, in "<Preparation of Bacteria>", The name of antibiotic supplied in LB+maltose broth was corrected (from Cm) to Km. YG6020 is Kanamycin resistance, not Chloramfenicol.

gpt ver3.6en :
page2, in "<Titration (Survival)>", The dilution step(1 and 2) was modified from "Add 2 ul of the 20-fold diluted suspension" to "Add 10 ul of the 100-fold diluted suspension". Dilution Factor is not changed.

gpt ver4.01ja :
パッケージング後SM bufferを加えて300μlとする(旧版では500μl)。Titerではプレート2枚を使用し、Dilution Factor = 3000とする(旧版ではDilution Factor = 5000)。Selectionではプレート5枚を使用し、300 ul = 60 ul x 5 枚とする。(旧版では500 ul = 50 ul x 10枚)

gpt ver3.6ja :
page4, "(2)Titer(Survival)の測定" で、サンプルの希釈法について「20倍希釈したpackaged sampleを2μl加え」→「100倍希釈したpackaged sampleを10μl加え」に変更。実質的な希釈率は変わらない。

Spi- assay ver2.0en :
MgSO4 is added to TOP and BOTTOM agar plates (final canc. 10 mM) to improve plaque formation.
In the spot test for confirmation, three strains are used (XL-1Blue MRA, XL-1Blue MRA(P2) and WL95(P2)). Spi- mutant has Red-/Gam- mutation. But Some types of Gam- mutant may also make plaque on the XL-1Blue MRA(P2) plate. By using another P2 lysogen, WL95(P2), Red-/Gam- mutants can be selected.

Spi- ver1.4en :
After in vitro packaging reactions, each packaged phage sample is adjusted to the final volume of 300 ul with SM buffer.
For the titration, 2 plates/sample are used (Dilution Factor = 3000).
For the selection, 2 plates/sample are used (300 ul = 150 ul x 2 plates).

spi ver1.3en :
page2, in "Titration of the Packaged Phage with Strain XL-1 Blue MRA", Some comments were added. (See below)

[ Titer = Number of plaques (average of 2 plates) × Dilution Factor ]
;Dilution Factor = 5000

spi ver1.2en :
page2, in "Titration of the Packaged Phage with Strain XL-1 Blue MRA", The dilution step(1 and 2) was modified from "Add 2 ul of the 20-fold diluted suspension" to "Add 10 ul of the 100-fold diluted suspension". Dilution Factor is not changed.
